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Donegall Road Primary School, Belfast


20th Oct 2024
Well done to our children who went Over and Above this week!
18th Oct 2024
Today we had great fun, shaking it all about! P2 have been thinking about what’s...
17th Oct 2024
We have been continuing our world around us topic of ‘What’s inside….?’...
15th Oct 2024
P2 have had their first few visits to the computer room. We have been learning how...
15th Oct 2024
We had a special treat in P2 today! Anna from Kids’ Yoga came to DRPS to do...
11th Oct 2024
Well done to our Over and Above children this week!
11th Oct 2024
We have been showing our creativity through PE when moving in different ways around...
11th Oct 2024
Primary Five have really been enjoying writing poems over the past few weeks. They...
11th Oct 2024
We read the story Leaf Man and created our own leaf characters using different leaves...
8th Oct 2024
Primary 1 loved having Primary 7’s down to read with them this afternoon.